I have a Red Sex Links chicken. She doesn't like being around the other girls or the rooster. I don't have any other place to put her. She was also bullied for some time by my Pekin drake, as well as the other hens. She now only eats from my hand, but very little. I've taken her inside a few times, and she loves to sleep beside me…but I can't keep her in here with me! what is wrong with my girl??

Updated On February 13th, 2020

Pet's info: Farm Animal | Farm Chicken | Female | 6 lbs

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Answered By Jessica Desrosiers

Veterinary Technician

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It may be that Shelly just doesn't fit in well with your flock. Looking to see if you could rehome her with a smaller flock may be helpful. Making sure your birds have enough room and aren't fighting for resources is also a good idea as this can cause excessive pecking, fighting, etc if there isn't enough room to stretch, eat, rest, etc.

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