Healthy 6 year old pit had teeth cleaned. Blood work showed good to go. The next day he refused food but drank water. Had diarrhea which suddenly progressed to incontinence before he became unresponsive to sound and touch. Glassy, unblinking eyes, heavy breathing, Tachycardic. He passed on the way to the emergency clinic. Could not be resuscitated. Could this have been an overdose of anesthesia?

Updated On February 13th, 2020

Pet's info: Dog | American Pit Bull Terrier | Male | neutered | 6 years and 5 months old | 80 lbs

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Answered By Dr. Strydom, DVM


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I'm so sorry this happened. It is not likely an overdose of anesthetic. If that was the case he would have passed away during the dental procedure. It is more likely that he threw a blood clot post-anesthesia. The only way to know for sure would be to have a necropsy (autopsy) done on him.

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