I fed my dog's a couple grapes each the vet is not open and I heard it is toxic what should I do
Updated On February 16th, 2020
Pet's info: Dog | Pit Bull Terrier | Male | 80 lbs
Answered By Dr. Melanie, BVSc MS 102
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There is no known safe amount of grapes for dogs to eat. There is always a possibility of kidney failure. The (major) problem with treating these guys is that you don't know if it's going to cause kidney failure until it's too late. They don't act different or ill until they are life threateningly ill. The only way to treat them is to go to the clinic, make her vomit if it was within an hour or maybe 2, then keep her on IV fluids for a day or two. And some dogs can eat grapes without any problems. We just don't know how each individual will react. So I know that's not the most helpful answer, but that's the more accurate one we have. You can chance it and do nothing and there is a good chance everything will be fine, or you can take her to the clinic immediately for hospitalization. Good luck!
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