Hello. I am worried about my senior yorkie. She has been to the vet several times regarding her 'picky eating'. She has in the past been diagnosed and treated for pancreatitis. For a few months now she has been fine and eating regular. Now she has become 'picky' again and will only eat chicken ( homemade breast meat) in small amounts. She occasionally will vomit a small amount of bile and has very hard dark stools. She has also had a CBC panel that was normal. Any suggestions?

Updated On February 16th, 2020

Pet's info: Dog | Yorkshire Terrier | Female | spayed | 6 lbs

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Answered By Dr. Paula Simons


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I would recommend adding on a Spec CpL test to look for pancreatitis, or you can have her referred to a specialty hospital who can perform ultrasound. Bloodwork doesn't always show changes in light of important diseases like cancer or gastrointestinal disease.

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