My mother just told me her cat possibly has some strong stuck in his month. She cant catch him to check, but describe that he is moving his tongue ( around in his mouth, I guess) and shaking his head. Is this a normal behavior or something to worry about. Like, brain damage or organ failure. She said he's normally in bed with her at night, but tonight he isn't. Didnt come for treats.
Updated On February 16th, 2020
Pet's info: Dog | Miniature Schnauzer | Female | spayed | 5 years and 10 months old | 17 lbs
Answered By Dr. Melanie, BVSc MS 102
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Tell your mom to take him into a vet first thing in the morning, this does not sound normal and needs to be checked out asap. There could be something stuck in his mouth, he could have a severe dental problem, or a bad ear infection.
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