Thank you Melanie, you have great advice!! Your answers always being clarity. I feed my cavalier breed specific diet by royal canin. That particular food does have 25% protein, I’m assuming that’s within the safe range..? I figure it’s maybe a bit more protein because the extra amino acids can better protect their heart health since that is what they are prone to. Is this a good food, specifically the cavalier diet? (Royal canin) thank you!!

Updated On February 17th, 2020

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Answered By Dr. Melanie, BVSc MS


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I'm so glad to help you and that you like my answers! Royal Canin is an excellent food, and the 25% is fine for Chloe. Yes, you are right Cavaliers can be prone to heart disease, so the extra amino acids are good for them. Chloe is lucky to have you!

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