My dog is 14 years old and weighs 55lbs. His vet recently put him on 600mg of gabapentin per day for mild pain relief. He’s been out of it and basically sedated since then, so I researched it and it looks like 600mg is way higher than the recommended dose. The vet refuses to say there was any mistake and that he should continue with 600mg. Does that seem right? Should I be looking for a new vet?

Updated On February 17th, 2020

Pet's info: Dog | Labrador Retriever | Male | neutered | 14 years old | 55 lbs

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Answered By Dr. Melanie, BVSc MS


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So the dosage for gabepentin is 5-10mg/kg three times a day, so if Riley is getting 600mg total per day, this is within the normal dose. Some patients can be put up to as high as 40mg/kg a day, which would mean that his dose is within the range.

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