Hi! My 8 month old male DLH Cat has had blood in his stool the last few days. his stool’s are loose with a fair amount of bright red blood. He is neutered, not vaccinated. The blood amount has increased and he is going less often. He also goes to the washroom wherever he wants lately which isn’t like him. The back of his hind legs are also raw and have been for a couple of months. We got flea prevention drops from our old vet and they haven’t helped. I’m unable to get a photo at this time.

Updated On February 19th, 2020

Pet's info: Cat | American Longhair | Male | neutered | 8 months and 18 days old | 7 lbs

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Answered By Ana M, DVM


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Thank you for submitting your question regarding Toby. He needs to see a veterinarian today. I recommend taking a fresh fecal sample to your appointment for testing. The skin on his hind end will be assessed as well. Fecal testing will hopefully diagnose the cause of loose stool. Based on these results, treatment can be started. Once he is feeling better, then he needs to be vaccinated. I hope this information helps!

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