I got my male cat fixed less than a week ago and hes has still pissed in the house 2x more since then. So we are on the verge on taking him to a shelter now. Why is he doing this? Is there any hope for him? Its not spraying its urine.

Updated On February 19th, 2020

Pet's info: Cat | American Shorthair | Male | neutered | 8 months and 18 days old | 10 lbs

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Answered By Angel Alvarado, LVT

Licensed Veterinary Technician

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Unfortunately, neutering will not turn off inappropriate urination like a switch. It is just one step in preventing it. If it is a learned behavior, he will need to be trained out of it. Provide an extra litterbox in the house and use a litterbox attractant to get him back in the box. Consider a pheromone product, such as Feliway Spray or plug in diffusers, to decrease any anxiety. An enzymatic cleaner, such as Nature's Miracle, should be used to thoroughly clean soiled areas. An exam with your veterinarian should be scheduled to rule out any underlying medical causes. Additional medications may be prescribed if indicated. Be patient and be consistent. https://www.petcoach.co/cat/condition/inappropriate-urination/

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