I have been fostering a 3 1/2 lbs yorkie. According to vet she is 5-7 y/o. She was extremely under weight and dehydrated but has been doing better since I’ve had her. She appears to have a broken or extremely loose canine tooth. She’s eating and drinking fine and is as active as she been since I got her. Do I need to take her back to the vet or will it fall out on its own? She was just at the vet last week and no issues- not sure how it happened or when. Anything I can do for pain or discomfort?
Updated On February 21st, 2020
Pet's info: Dog | Yorkshire Terrier | Female | 3.5 lbs
Answered By Dr. Elizabeth 118
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I recommend to have Gemma examined by the veterinarian. Sometimes there can be a single 'bad' tooth but often times in a dog this small, there are several. Dental disease needs to be addressed early on for the best results long term. If nothing is done, yes, the tooth will eventually fall out but the tooth may be causing pain and lengthening the time of potential for infections. Here is a link about dental care: https://www.petcoach.co/article/a-comprehensive-dental-care-program-for-your-cat/ I hope this helps.
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