Should i be concerned if my 4 month puppy has runny stool but it just started happening last night . And is still occuring today so far . She is still playful , has a wet nose , drinking regulary , eating regularly and stoll wags tail and is acting normal .

Updated On February 23rd, 2020

Pet's info: Dog | American Bully | Female | unspayed | 23 lbs

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Answered By Jenna Beyer, DVM, MBA, cVMA

Veterinarian, Certified Veterinary Acupuncturist

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Intestinal parasites are a common cause of diarrhea in puppies, as well as food intolerance or allergies, dietary indiscretion, bacterial or viral infection, stress colitis, among others. If it lasts longer than 24 hours, I would recommend having Hazel examined by a vet to see what could be going on.

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