Hi,i have A one year old mixed breed named oso, sadly at the moment i can not afford a vet so I’m on the next best thing, for the pass two days I’ve noticed my dog being more calmer than usual. he is a very hyper dog and loves to play and jump around but now all he wants to do i lay down or stand up with a hunchback but he still eats and drinks water and his poop is fine,my family seems to think nothing is wrong with him but i just Have this feeling that he’s feeling sick and something is wrong.

Updated On February 23rd, 2020

Pet's info: Dog | Mixed Breed | Male | unneutered | 1 year old | 15 lbs

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Answered By Jessica Desrosiers

Veterinary Technician

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Lethargy can be a sign of illness, but it doesn't point to any one particular issue, and is rather a symptom than a cause. Unfortunately, without a vet exam, it would be hard to determine more than that. I would keep an eye on Oso for any other signs of illness that may indicate he needs to go to the vet. If you're having trouble affording care, this site can help give you some options that might help: https://www.humanesociety.org/resources/having-trouble-affording-veterinary-care

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