My 12 week old puppy was diagnosed with parvo he was given subcutaneous fluid around 2 pm yesterday he is eating but will not drink
Updated On February 24th, 2020
Pet's info: Dog | American Pit Bull Terrier | Male | 9.5 lbs
Answered By Destini R. Holloway, DVM 87
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It is great that he is eating well. He likely is not drinking because he still has fluids in his system that are keeping him hydrated. I would just try to syringe him a small amount of Pedialyte (non-flavored) diluted 50:50 with water later, especially if he is still vomiting or has loose stools. Otherwise, continue to feed him and give him his medications that your vet has prescribed in full. I do hope that Nelson continues to do well and recover from his parvovirus infection. Best of luck and take care. : )
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