My 2 months old kitten is pooping liquid from 2 days and has been eating very less, but is still happy and playful but is getting thin. I'm worried.

Updated On February 26th, 2020

Pet's info: Cat | Feral | Male | 2.205 lbs

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Answered By Destini R. Holloway, DVM


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Poor kitty. It is very possible Shunki has a bacterial or parasitic infection. THe first step here is to take her to your vet to get her stools tested. If she has a parasite or bacteria imbalance, it can get treated quickly through your vet in most cases. Until you can get her in to be seen, its best to offer her plenty of water to keep her hydrated and perhaps even mixing 50:50 non-flavored Pedialyte with water to replace her electrolyte losses. You should also give her a probiotic daily such as Fortiflora or even over the counter Culturelle works well. I do hope that Shunki's diarrhea issues resolve soon! Best of luck and take care.

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