Since two days Rusty was in severe pain and he couldn't even walk at all. See by emergency vet to prescribed Vetergesic inj stat and Gabapentin 300mg twice daily. Yesterday, my vet did some blood tests before starting him on Loxicom. She informed me that I can start Rusty onLoxicom as liver is ok. Today I sent copy of the results to my pet physio and was worried due to high level of ALP and high Neuthrophils meaning (according to her) there is an infection somewhere apart from the anaemia.
Updated On February 27th, 2020
Pet's info: Dog | Mixed Breed Large (61lb +) | Male | neutered | 15 years and 11 months old | 66 lbs
Answered By Dr. Melanie, BVSc MS 102
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Your pet physio is not a vet, and there is not able to diagnose Rusty or his lab reports. Yes his ALP is a bit elevated, but typically vets do not worry about the ALP being elevated unless it goes above 500. He is well below that. I would follow your vet's instructions.
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