Hello, my cat is losing hair and the skin is becoming black. This happened right after the vet shaved a knot on her neck, vet shaved the knot off and a few days later the hair fall started spreading towards her ear and at first she was itching it and scratched herself. The vets gave her some meds to stop the itching and did the ringworm test, it’s been 7 days in the test and it’s still negative. Shes been treated for ear mites. Also, Any idea about her breed? She’s a rescue ant 1 y/o.
Updated On February 29th, 2020
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Answered By Stacey Anstaett, DVM 224
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She is beautiful! I don't have any strong opinions on what breed I think she is, though she may be part siberian. As for her skin, that is quite odd. Ideally, I would recommend that you consider taking her a to a veterinary dermatologist. Now that the itching seems better, is the skin itself starting to improve? If you can't take her to a dermatologist, take her back to your vet for a recheck exam. It may be that a skin biopsy is needed to get a diagnosis, and its impossible to know the proper treatment without first having a diagnosis. I am sorry I can't provide more help for you on this! Best of luck with her. She really is a beautiful cat.
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