Adopted dog last week, turns out she was pregnant but records say she was fixed. Went into labor today and pup got stuck. husband tried to pull puppy out, majorly stuck. Dog bit and ran off. When we found her she was biting at the puppy and pulled off the body but no head. Now worried pup head might still be stuck inside. Fed cottage cheese to increase calcium and she had some contractions and whined, but nothing produced. Had bowl movement still no pup. Help first dog ever, can not afford vet
Updated On March 1st, 2020
Pet's info: Dog | Chihuahua (Smooth Coat) | Female | unspayed | 5 lbs
Answered By Jennifer Summerfield, DVM CPDT-KA 103
Veterinarian, Certified Dog Trainer
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Poor Roxy! I'm sorry to hear that she's having this problem. Unfortunately, I'm afraid she does need to see a veterinarian, since from your description it sounds like she is likely going to need an emergency C-section to remove the remaining puppies and/or fetal parts still inside. This is not something that can be treated at home, and she may very well die without immediate veterinary care. So I would focus on finding a way to get her in to see a veterinarian as soon as possible. If costs are a concern, you can see if there is a low-cost SPCA clinic in your area that could help. You may also try calling your local animal shelter to ask if they have any programs to assist low-income pet owners with veterinary emergencies. Finally, you could also apply online for Care Credit, which is a payment plan accepted by most veterinary clinics: www.carecredit.com
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