My cat is eating very little and his eyes get watery when he eats. He's lost so much weight. After the death of my female cat, he keeps sleeping the whole day. He has become very inactive and he has stopped playing. He is yowling and is peeing everywhere in the house. What's should i do? The vets here in india aren't helping... would adopting a female cat help him get better?
Updated On March 2nd, 2020
Pet's info: Cat | Asian | Male | unneutered | 10 months and 5 days old
Answered By Jessica Desrosiers 40
Veterinary Technician
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While loss/grief can certainly cause behavioral changes in cats, losing weight, not eating and urinating everywhere make me worry there is an underlying health condition such as a urinary infection that is causing him distress. Not being neutered can also lead to marking behavior/stress if there is a female in heat nearby. It is a good idea to have a thorough exam done along with bloodwork, X-rays and urine tests potentially to determine if there is any health issue. If he checks out healthy, spending more time together may help him to relax some, as well as using a pheromone diffuser such as Feliway to help with the marking behavior/stress. If you think he'd benefit from a friend, gradually introducing a new cat may help as well, but can also be stressful.
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