Took 9 yr old cairn terrier to vet due to 20 minutes of reverse sneezing,some shaking, & vomiting hrs after dinner. Put on benadryl & doxycycline....dog happy, peppy, & respiratory lining irritated. Any other ideas? Vomit began way before put on doxy.
Updated On March 3rd, 2020
Pet's info: Dog | Cairn Terrier | Female | spayed | 8 years and 8 months old | 18 lbs
Answered By Stacey Anstaett, DVM 224
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I'm glad to hear that Sassy seems to be doing better; do I understand that correctly? It is possible that she may have been having some gastritis or an upset stomach that caused the vomiting; and perhaps some gastric reflux. If they regurgitate and the stomach contents come up to the back of the throat from reflux, that could potentially lead to some reverse sneezing and irritation in the throat. In a more serious scenario, aspiration can occur (the stomach contents from vomit or regurgitation go down into the airways) which could lead to pneumonia. You can ask your vet if an acid reducer for her stomach may be warranted, but other than that, as long as she's doing well I don't think you need to worry.
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