I recently took Giulio to the vet because he sounded congested and was a itching a lot. After blood work and x rays were taken, everything was normal. The vet says is most likely seasonal allergies but did not make further recommendations. He has had a food allergy test in the past and is doing fine with his diet. Are there any over the counter products that can provide relief?
Updated On March 3rd, 2020
Pet's info: Dog | Mixed Breed Small (up to 22lb) | Male | neutered | 17 lbs
Answered By Dr. Elizabeth 118
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Some pets will respond to over the counter anti-histamines. You will need to call your veterinarian for a product or dosage recommendation because online veterinarians are prohibited from discussing human medication usage in pets. Omega 3 fatty acid supplements can also help. Get a formula meant for pets. Lastly, your veterinarian has medications to stop itching like Apoquel or Cytopoint. There is also immunotherapy options to address environmental allergies. I hope this helps.
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