2 golden Retrievers aged 5 and 8. Similar gastro problems started 3 months ago. Given metronidazole and Bactrim. Stools perfect during medication and for days after but then again Sloppy , mucus stools. Blood tests and stool samples show nothing otherwise dogs in good health, happy lively. Living in Antigua and have been in Caribbean 2.5 years. started after living in same place for 4 months and started almost simultaneously. Any ideas, advice of what to do? Many thanks
Updated On March 4th, 2020
Pet's info: Dog | Golden Retriever | Male | unneutered | 8 years and 9 months old | 80 lbs
Answered By Linda G, MS, DVM 183
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Hello. If you have access to a good probiotic for dogs, then I would start this immediately. If no dog probiotics, then the human product, Culturelle, is fine to use. Just use the adult recommended dose. I would also make sure they only receive bottled water, or water that has been boiled & cooled. Make sure they have no access to any standing water outside. If your veterinarian can send off a stool sample to test for other organisms that cause diarrhea ( this is usually referred to as a PCR Diarrhea Panel ), this would be very useful, too. Good luck & thanks for using PetCoach.
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