My mom and I have an 11.5 year old beagle, Cumbia. Signs of ageing have been showing up significantly in the last year and her vet diagnosed her this week with low/nule count of platelets and liver failure. She still has appetite and enjoys barking at strangers like always with the other two dogs in the house, but she has trouble getting up sometimes or she falls. Her vet said treatment is not worthwhile since she is very old. Is putting her to sleep the right decision? Can she improve?
Updated On March 5th, 2020
Pet's info: Dog | Beagle | Female | unspayed | 11 years and 8 months old | 25 lbs
Answered By Dr. Melanie, BVSc MS 102
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I'm sorry Cumbia isn't doing well. Yes, it may be that putting her to sleep is best for her. Unfortunately dogs do reach a point where treatment won't help, and her vet may advise you that this is the best option for her. It's not easy at all, and I'm sorry you are facing this decision.
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