Doc says Kit has hyperthyrodism based on her results. (FCoV also came positive last night incase relevant).Only symptoms were around 300g weight loss in last 5+ months,& increased appetite.Hes said to put her on methimazole 10 mg twice a day & switch to dry diet.Her T4 is normal,only fT4 is high.Is this conclusive enough to diagnose hyperthyrodism?& if so is this dose not too high?We repeat tests in 3 weeks before starting meds.I dont want to start meds if results not conclusive.Please advise
Updated On March 6th, 2020
Pet's info: Cat | Bombay | Female | spayed | 4 years and 2 months old | 8.73 lbs
Answered By Lindsey Edwards MVB, BSc, IVCA 76
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Although most cats with hyperthyroidism will have elevated T4 and fT4, there is a condition known as 'occult hyoerthyroidism' there the T4 is otherwise suppressed and only fT4 appears above reference range. The increased appetite, weight loss and normal glucose (lack of diabetes) all increase suspicion of thyroid disease. Repeated blood tests and hills y/d food to limit iodine intake would all be helpful and you should discuss your concerns about treatment with the prescribing vet - we are not in a position to alter the prescribed medications
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