My husband and I want to get a dog either a British Bulldog or a Cocker Spaniel We’ve never had a dog before so we need advice please We have no children and do not get many visitors We have a 3 bedroom home with secure front and rear grassed gardens We both work I’m gone max 6 hours per day We read up on both breed personality trainability companion health issues there’s lots of contradictions and this is why we are confused which breed is best For first time ever dog owners what do you think

Updated On March 8th, 2020

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Answered By Jenna Beyer, DVM, MBA, cVMA

Veterinarian, Certified Veterinary Acupuncturist

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Well, I am partial to a Cocker Spaniel! Mine just turned 15; she was the first dog that was all mine. I got her from a good breeder that wasn't breeding a ton of dogs (which could mean they are just doing it as quickly as possible rather than with intention). She has had only a few ear infections in her lifetime, and I am not sure if it is due to good genetics or the fact that I keep the hair on her ears trimmed so they don't get heavy, which could reduce airflow around the ear canals. I do not pluck ear hair either. Cockers are a great breed for a house companion. They can be taught basic commands, and more if you want! We did some basic agility training. I would say bulldogs aren't great for first-time pet owners. We like to say bulldogs keep vets in business! In my experience, they tend to have more than average health issues, and frequently they can be tricky to manage. They can have respiratory difficulties due to their anatomy. They can have skin issues from the folds in their skin. They tend to have severe food and environmental allergies. I am not a fan, but my clients who own them are in love! Either way, we are always here to help!

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