My kitten, who we assume is a boy, is now rubbing against every object he likes and rolls on the floor and as a very quiet kitten who only cries when he's picked up, is now chirping very often, and he rears his butt up and this behavior is very new to us, can you explain what may be happening to him?
Updated On March 9th, 2020
Pet's info: Cat | American Shorthair | Male | unneutered | 6 months and 4 days old | 3 lbs
Answered By Dr. Strydom, DVM 105
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This behavior sounds like a female cat in heat. If you would like to post some photos of the genital area we can help you determine the sex of the kitten appropriately. If is best to have her spayed as soon as possible if she is a female. https://www.petcoach.co/article/spaying-ovariohysterectomy-the-benefits-in-cats/ http://www.humanesocietymiami.org/low-cost-spay-and-neuter/ http://thecatnetwork.org/help-a-cat/spayneuter/meow-mobile/
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