My girl hasn't eaten or had a drink for nearly 2days, her breathing is shallow and fast and she keeps panting. She hasn't slept all day and whimpers whenever she tries to change position while laying down and I can't get her to stand up. She was registered with the blue Cross and she was diagnosed last week with arthritis and having an infection in all four of her paws which she is currently taking 750mg of amoxycillin/clavulantate twice a day. I was also told that the 2 lumps she has are cancer

Updated On March 10th, 2020

Pet's info: Dog | Golden Labrador | Female | spayed | 11 years and 1 month old | 94 lbs

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Answered By Dr. Strydom, DVM


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Marley needs to go back to the vet for a follow-up if she is not doing better. They can help you better since they have all of her medical history. We really cannot be of much help as we don't have enough information. All I can tell you is that she needs more care and testing if you want to give her the best chance at recovery.

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