My cat rider tooth came out its his fang top tooth, he's 16 years old and a domestic short hair grey tabby cat.
Updated On March 10th, 2020
Pet's info: Cat | Domestic Shorthair | Male | neutered | 10 lbs
Answered By Shaneez Wallani, DVM 122
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It sounds like Rider likely has severe dental disease, as it is not normal for teeth to just fall out like that. Dental disease may not be visible on the outside, but can cause teeth to fall out as described. A dental cleaning and oral exam performed by your veterinarian while Rider is under anesthesia can help treat any disease present, and will allow your vet to check and see if the tooth that fell out left any pieces behind. Dental disease can be extremely painful, but cats will often continue to eat and drink despite the pain. If left untreated the infection from dental disease may get much worse and spread to elsewhere in the body, causing further pain, so it's important that you have Rider seen by a vet.
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