Hi. I have a medium hair cat that loves getting brushed after years of not bieng brushed. He won’t let me brush his stomach because he has mats/knots. I won’t take him to the vet because he was abused & trusts ONLY me to touch him. There has got to be something that only I can do for him if you could help. I get the knots around his neck and under chin with my fingers but the ones on his tummy I think are too bad to brush but possibly with something else if you have an idea. He is 14. Thanks
Updated On March 11th, 2020
Pet's info: Cat | Mixed Breed | Male | neutered | 12 years and 5 months old | 9 lbs
Answered By Anna M., DVM 167
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Bailey really should be taken to the vet. Some cats will groom less if they have a medical problem, and dental problems are a very common cause of grooming less. Also, if Bailey is severely matted and won't let you brush the mats out, he may need some sedation to be properly groomed - or many long-haired cats will benefit from occasionally clipping their hair short to decrease the matting. Mats are uncomfortable, and skin infections can brew underneath, so it's important for Bailey's health that they get addressed.
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