What medicine should I have to give my puppy to sleep because she didn't sleep for the past 3 days...she is not sleeping properly in days and nights..I have advised to give a cetrizine tablet by a vet here even though she didn't sleep yesterday..what should I do now.. should I take her to the vet again or else should I change the medicine..if so what medicine should I have to give her and at what dosage..her weight is 3.2kg

Updated On March 11th, 2020

Pet's info: Dog | Labrador Retriever | Female | 1 month and 22 days old

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Answered By Anna M., DVM


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Hello, and thanks for using PetCoach. I do not recommend giving Pepper any medication to sleep. She's still a baby, and is going through a lot of change and transition. What she needs is time, and patience. Give her a safe, dark, quiet place to sleep with a cozy blanket or other bedding. It may take her a few days to a few weeks to adjust, but she will figure things out. You may need to adjust your expectations a bit - medication is really not the solution here. Also, remember that she does not have a lot of bladder control at her age, and she may cry at night if she needs to go outside. Good luck to you!

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