I personally have a scratchy throat. I'm not concerned that I could possibly have coronavirus for myself but if I could give it to my cats if I have it. I had to put down a kitten because of FIP three years ago & it's a constant fear of mine that another could get it. I know FIP is a mutation of coronavirus. Am I being paranoid? I have no other symptoms.
Updated On March 12th, 2020
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Answered By Linda G, MS, DVM 183
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Hello. Please do not worry about this. While coronavirus was cultured in the nose of a few dogs that lived in homes with infected people, they were, & stayed completely normal. Nothing has been described in cats. Just about every species has its own coronavirus unique to them. It is a very unique set of circumstances that PRESUMABLY allowed the virus to jump from animals in China to a human host, no worries about this happening in our pet community. So yes, the feline coronavirus can mutate to a virulent form that leads to FIP, but the thing to remember is this is an enteric, or gut virus, not a respiratory one that we are seeing in people. There is absolutely no connection between Covid-19 & the Feline Coronavirus. Thanks for using PetCoach.
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