my rabbit gave birth four weeks ago but she passed away And we have to three babies their current weights are 158, 154 and then the smallest is 124 I am really worried about this bunny she is slightly small but she is a lot lighter then the other two I am currently feeding them with kitten milk replacer but the smallest bunny doesn’t like it is there anything I can do to keep her up with the others. She is very active and still seems to eat the hay and pellets. She is the white and brown one

Updated On March 13th, 2020

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Answered By Dr. Strydom, DVM


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I think the bunny looks fine. Just because it is smaller does not mean it is not healthy. You can add goat milk (regular, not low fat) to the kitten milk replacer and a pinch of acidophilus (aka Probiotic) to the formula to promote healthy gut flora. Formulas vary depending on region. Avoid Esbilac and any puppy formulas. FEED TWICE A DAY ONLY and let them have free choice alfalfa hay. At 3-6 weeks of age they should be eating about 13-15 cc/ml each feeding (two feedings a day) but it may be LESS depending on size of rabbit so they little one may only eat 8-12cc. That is OK. Hope this helps.

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