My cat scratches/bites me whenever I try to pet her. At pet smart, where I adopted her, she let me pet her. But after that anytime I try pet her she hits or scratches me. I’ve had her for 8 months now and this hasn’t changed .. I can’t even touch her for a second. A lot of the times when I try to touch her she’ll throw herself to the ground with her stomach showing and then she attempts to swat/scratch my hand, she has felinehyperestheia, is this why she won’t let me touch her? can this be chang

Updated On March 13th, 2020

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Answered By Anna M., DVM


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If your cat has been diagnosed with feline hyperesthesia syndrome, that could definitely be factoring into her resistance to having you pet her. I recommend scheduling a vet consult to have her examined - many hyperesthesia cats will improve on medication. I would start there, before concluding that her scratching/biting is purely behavioral. However, if you don't notice any change in her behavior with hyperesthesia treatment, then it's worth considering behavior interventions and stress management. Hope this helps!

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