My rottweiler female give birth to two puppies in morning at 4.30. One pup is dead and other one is good. But I think there is more than two puppies in female. But 14 hours gone, she is not eating anything. I have a question that how much more time she take to give birth. She is 2 years old and she is experiencing this first time
Updated On March 14th, 2020
Pet's info: Dog | Rottweiler | Female | 3 years and 1 month old | 50 lbs
Answered By Linda G, MS, DVM 183
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Hello. You should really consider having Sweety evaluated by your veterinarian to make sure there are no more puppies inside. If there are, your veterinarian should ultrasound them to see if they are showing any signs of fetal distress. This will determine if an emergency C-section is necessary, We can see a bitch take up to 24 hours to deliver, but with such a small litter, & one non-viable pup, I would want to make sure all is well with Sweety. Thanks for using PetCoach.
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