Hi I’ve never had a cat before so I’m just curious On how vaccines work for cat’s
Updated On March 14th, 2020
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Answered By Dr. Elizabeth 118
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Hello and congratulations on your new cat! Cat vaccines 'work' in the same way as dog vaccines. Kittens get FVCRP, FeLV and Rabies. Indoor only adult cats get FVRCP and Rabies. Adult cats who go outside or exposed to other cats who go outside will get FVRCP, FeLv and Rabies. The vaccines need boosters just like dogs and puppies. Cats/kittens may also need and FeLv/FIV test as well. This link explains more: https://www.petcoach.co/article/annual-veterinary-exams-preventive-health-care-in-cats/ I hope this helps.
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