Hello. Yesterday at noon vet prescribed dog Metronidazole, at noon is when my dog took his first dosage. He’s taken 3 dosages total, eating chicken and rice... loves eating still and very active and playful. However he hasn’t pooped since his last diarrhea bout about half hour coming home from vet which was watery diarrhea. So it’s been 24 since his last poop. Vet also put him on a de wormer just in case

Updated On March 14th, 2020

Pet's info: Dog | Yorkipoo | Male | neutered | 2 years and 4 months old | 8 lbs

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Answered By Dr. Elizabeth


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This may not be unusual. Pets with diarrhea will often flush out the distal colon and it can take 2-3 days before the stool is present again in the colon. Make sure Figlio is eating well and acting normal. This is generally a good indication that he is recovering as expected. If he does not have a bowel movement after 3 days or if he seems to be feeling ill again, have him re-examined. Daily walks will help the bowels to move as well. Lastly, make sure he is drinking plenty of water. I hope this helps and that he continues to recover well.

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