My dog has a bulge/lump near his hip. It feels firm but not hard, like muscle.
Updated On March 14th, 2020
Pet's info: Dog | Mixed Breed Small (up to 22lb) | Male | neutered | 7 years and 7 months old | 12.8 lbs
Answered By Dr. Leigh, DVM 58
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It is difficult to determine the cause without examining the dog. It could just be normal anatomy or it could be a mass or cyst. Have your vet take a look at it to help diagnose. If needed, your vet can aspirate it and examine the cells under a microscope.
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Other Answers
Answered By Dr. Elizabeth
I recommend to have Perry examined by the veterinarian. Unfortunately, the only way to get an idea of what this is will be to start with an exam. If the vet thinks this is a mass, they may recommend to aspirate the mass as the next step. I hope this helps.
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