Hi. We just brought our new puppy home yesterday. A pup in his liter tested positive for a parasite. He is very sleepy, not eating or drinking and just threw up. He is 8 weeks old today.

Updated On March 15th, 2020

Pet's info: Dog | Boston Terrier | Male | unneutered | 1 month and 25 days old | 2 lbs

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Answered By Angel Alvarado, LVT

Licensed Veterinary Technician

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Congrats on your new addition. Intestinal parasites (worms) are common in puppies. They can get them from other pups, the environment or even directly from mom. Since he is new to you, have Archie physically examined by your veterinarian within 72 hours of arriving home to confirm good health or to diagnose and treat any pre-existing conditions. Submit a stool sample to diagnose intestinal parasites. He may need to be dewormed now and in 2 weeks. A third deworming in 4 weeks may completely clear any infection. Once he is feeling better, he can begin or resume his vaccinations.

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