my puppy is 3 months old and infected by parvo virus since 8-9 days and treatment is going on, but i have another puppy of 1 month inside the same house. should i vaccinate the second one right now?

Updated On March 15th, 2020

Pet's info: Dog | Mixed Breed | Male | 3 months and 14 days old | 10.58 lbs

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Answered By Angel Alvarado, LVT

Licensed Veterinary Technician

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No, vaccinating such a young pup will likely have little effect due to maternal antibodies. Keep the healthy pup completely separate from the sick one. If you can have someone else take care of it in a different house, that would be the best option. If not, wash hands and change clothes between handling puppies. The parvovirus can travel on shoes, pants, shirt sleeves, etc. You can use a dilution of bleach and water (3/4 cup bleach:1 gallon water) to clean shoe bottom s and other hard, non-porous surfaces. Clean up any stool first and allow a 15 minute wet contact time before wiping down surfaces. Doing this does not guarantee the healthy pup will not become infected unfortunately. Monitor for symptoms of parvo and begin treatment as soon as possible.

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