His my dog has this lump on his paw, it started about 2-3 weeks ago very small and has got progressively bigger and now he won't leave it alone so he's made it sore and bloody, thanks

Updated On March 16th, 2020

Pet's info: Dog | Mixed Breed Small (up to 22lb) | Male | unneutered | 9 months and 9 days old

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Answered By Ana M, DVM


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Thank you for submitting your question regarding Bruno. I recommend that he sees his veterinarian. He may need a procedure known as a fine needle aspirate to diagnose the mass. The veterinarian will use a small needle to collect a sample of cells to evaluate under the microscope. This will help to determine the type of mass and guide treatment. A histiocytoma is a common mass on the limb of a young dog. This is a benign growth. However, the outward appearance is the same as a cancerous growth known as a mast cell tumor. In the meantime, place an E-collar on him so that he does not cause any self-trauma. I hope this information helps!

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