Could there be a reason why my cat never uses her litter box unless I’m around? Even at night if I’m sleeping she’ll avoid using it till the morning when she sees I’m awake and when she does it’ll be a looong pee. Also if I leave the house for hours she’ll hold her pee in till I’m back and immediately uses the litter

Updated On March 16th, 2020

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Answered By Dr. Elizabeth


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That does seem odd. It is important to encourage her to use the litter box as holding the urine can increase the risk for a bladder infection. Cats are sensitive to the type of litter, size of the box and location of the box. If you have more cats, you need 1 litter box per cat + 1 additional box. You should also have a litter box on every floor of the house. This article discusses different types of litter and litter boxes: In general though, cats prefer large, uncovered litter boxes, clay-based clumping litter that is scoped every day and a private, quiet location. If you have other cats or dogs, if they can access the litter box, it may cause your kitty to be afraid that she could be trapped in the box. Cats are a prey species in the wild and they still retain those instincts. Here is a great article about cat's instinctual needs: Use a Feliway diffuser, set aside 30 minutes a day for vigorous play and/or switch the food to Royal Canin Calm. Most cats response best to combination therapy. I hope this helps and please feel free to post any additional questions.

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