I have a 11month old rottweiler that is all up to date on her shots and she is sometimes in and outside the house and our other female boxer just gave birth too 4 puppies that i am currently bottle feeding there 3weeks old can my female rottweiler give pravo to the puppies even if she up to date on her shots
Updated On March 16th, 2020
Pet's info: Dog | Rottweiler | Female | unspayed | 71.1 lbs
Answered By Dr. Elizabeth 118
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Parvo is spread through the feces of infected dogs. A dog who survives parvo will spread the virus for 6 months in the feces. The virus can survive for 1 year in the soil (though some estimates say 2 years). As long as Lady does not have parvo and no dog with parvo has come into your yard in the last year, you should be safe.
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