We just adopted a cat two days ago. She hid for a while but used the litter box and soon was seeking attention. She also was eager to get out of the room we set her up in and seems good. The only problem is that we got her on Sunday and it’s Monday and she still hasn’t eaten. We’ve given new food, put it on a plate, gave her some egg and are going to now try chicken broth. What should we do if she still isn’t eating?
Updated On March 16th, 2020
Pet's info: Cat | Mixed Breed | Female | spayed | 8.3 lbs
Answered By Dr. Elizabeth 118
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I recommend to try a different food. Offer both canned and dried options. Cats can be very finicky about their food. Also call the shelter and ask what food she was eating and if she was eating well. Some brands that cats tend to like (although do know that some of these are more like fast food but first it's important just to get Owl eating): Royal Canin, Purina ProPlan, Fancy Feast and Frsikies. Food purchased from a larger retailer like Petco may be able to be returned if she won't eat it but do check the policy first. Also place the food where she is hiding. Try hand feeding her versus leaving her alone. If she does not eat by tomorrow, have her examined by the veterinarian to make sure she is ok. Congratulations of adding Owl to your family. Most cats will be comfortable within 1-2 weeks. I hope this helps.
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