I was wondering how can you tell if my cat has flees or ticks, because he is constantly biting me, doesn’t let me touch him at all, and he’s just so aggressive and makes random meows and random twitches. So I was wondering what could be triggering his urges to constantly be so aggressive? He’s 7 months old now and I’ve had him since he was like a little kitty.

Updated On March 16th, 2020

Pet's info: Cat | American Shorthair | Male | unneutered | 7 months and 20 days old | 10 lbs

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Answered By Dr. Elizabeth


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Without being able to examined Psycho it's impossible to know if he has fleas. I recommend to get a flea comb and comb the kitty around the lower back, the hind legs and the belly between the hind legs. Look for fleas or black pepper flakes. You can also treat for fleas. If you must stick with an OTC product, use Frontline. You should see results within a few days. Lastly, your best option is to have Psycho examined by the veterinarian. I recommend this option because it will get the answers the fastest. I hope this helps.

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