Hello I have a koi Betta fish and when I got it it use to eat all the time. Now it has stop eating for a week almost. It is bloated and hides in her house most of the time. I can't tell if its dropsy or ick or something else. I did treat it with salt and api super ick. But have seen no results expect she did poop. What can I do? She is not interested in food at all.

Updated On March 17th, 2020

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Answered By Angel Alvarado, LVT

Licensed Veterinary Technician

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Check water temperature first. Low temps can affect activity and appetite in fish. Bettas are tropical fish and do best between 78 F and 80 F. Next, confirm stable water chemistry. Use a home test kit or submit a water sample for testing. Aim for an absence ( 0 ppm) of ammonia and nitrites, with nitrates at 20 ppm or less. The local Petco may test water for free or for a small fee. Perform partial water changes to stabilize chemistry and/or to improve water quality. Use only conditioned water that is temperature matched to prevent further stress or shock. By the images, it does not appear to be ich. If it is, it is early on in the infection. Dropsy is characterized by swelling, lethargy and a loss of appetite. A classic sign is a pinecone appearance. If you see this symptom, chances for recovery are very slim. Offer live or frozen blood worms to stimulate the appetite. She should only need 1 or 2 at each feeding. An antibiotic that is effective against gram negative bacteria can be used to treat dropsy (which isn't a disease but a symptom of greater illness). You can find amoxicillin or kanamycin for fish in the Aquarium section of the local Petco. Follow label directions carefully and remove the carbon filter insert during treatment if indicated. Another possible cause may be constipation. You can try fasting her for 3 days then feeding bits of cooked and shelled green peas. This may alleviate any constipation.

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