Hi my 9 week old Staffy puppy ate 3-4 Cadbury’s mini eggs. She weighs 3.6 should I be worried

Updated On March 17th, 2020

Pet's info: Dog | Staffordshire Bull Terrier | Female | 2 months and 8 days old | 3.6 lbs

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Answered By Anna M., DVM


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There is very little cocoa in these eggs, so a dog Coco's size will most likely be fine. You can watch for any signs of GI upset (vomiting, diarrhea) that can come anytime a dog gets into something they're not used to eating. If you're concerned, you can reach out to your vet and they can help give Coco a medication to make her vomit and get the chocolate out of her stomach, to minimize the risk of later developing GI symptoms.

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