My Maltese Puppy is only 5 months old. He had pigmented spots near his pee pee and vet said its very common. but now i see that he is getting more pigmented spots all over his body. Is that normal? What can i do to help him. He is not itchy or scratching and he eats well. Only thing i have noticed is his pee is little dark yellow than normal. Otherwise he looks healthy. Please let me know

Updated On March 17th, 2020

Pet's info: Dog | Maltese | Male | 5 months and 13 days old

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Answered By Ana M, DVM


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Thank you for submitting your additional pictures regarding Kion. He is adorable! I still believe that the pigment spots are normal for his breed. They appear flat, not red and I do not see any scabs present. I do not think they should be anything to worry about for him. I hope this information helps!

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    Answered By Ana M, DVM


    Thank you for submitting your question regarding Kion. If his vet has inspected the spots and is not concerned, then it is likely fine. White dogs will develop pigmented areas more commonly than other dogs. You can submit your question again and attach a picture. I hoep this information helps!

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