My puppy vomits sometimes with blood, he also has a lot of gounds in his eyes and eats nothing, he doesn't even drink a water. I also noticed that he keeps on moving as if he always had a hiccup but on the stomach only. When he stand, his right back feet feels like its in pain or skmwhere in his stomach. Please help me.
Updated On March 18th, 2020
Pet's info: Dog | DOG-SMALL-SHORTHAIR | Male | unneutered | 2 months and 8 days old | 9 lbs
Answered By Dr. Elizabeth 118
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I hate to hear that Chihuahuay is so sick. Unfortunately it's impossible to know why this is happening without being able to examine him and run some tests. This could be many things including poisoning, severe parasites or a blockage in his intestines. Vomiting blood is very worrisome. I recommend to have your puppy examined quickly by the veterinarian. He will like needs fluids, medications to treat the symptoms and he will need diagnostics like bloodwork, a fecal testing and maybe an x-ray. He may even need surgery. I hope they figure out the problem quickly and are able to cure him. Best of luck.
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