Bella is a new dog for us. She was being bred at a puppy mill and was rescued and put up for adoption. Unfortunately, she gets very anxious when she hears any kind of sound at all. Loud barking, crying, just generally going crazy. We have tried meds, Trazadone, Ativan, and a new generation antihistamine, Apoquel. That one is super expensive. None of this really seems to work. We also have a thunder shirt. Any thoughts about what you think we should do for her? Thanks.

Updated On March 18th, 2020

Pet's info: Dog | Rat Terrier | Female | spayed | 18 lbs

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Answered By Dr. Elizabeth


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You may try something more like Fluoxitine which is meant to give long term for anxiety. You must also address behavior as medication alone will not work. These links may contain some good information: Expect this to be a slow process. You can also found sound tracks that desensitize the brain to loud noises and some dogs respond well to this. I hope this helps.

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