I have a female shih tzu, she's young around 7 yrs old, she's a small to medium sized dog and over weight. She's developed this awful chronic UTI that is wrecking havoc in all of our lives and recently it's gotten pretty scary because now a days she starts to pant uncontrollably pretty much all night, doesn't sleep, she drinks water and eats, well she eats before, not during or after but she is immobile and this worrying thing I feel her stomach really bloaty and I can see it gets hard.What 2do?

Updated On March 18th, 2020

Pet's info: Dog | Shih Tzu | Female | spayed

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Answered By Linda G, MS, DVM


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Hello. This sounds very concerning for Princess. You really need to consider having her evaluated by a veterinarian because we are totally unable to diagnose her infection nor prescribe any antibiotics or medications that she might need. She does need help & it sounds like it should be as soon as possible. I do hope you can have her seen soon & thanks for using PetCoach.

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