My leopard gecko has been licking, scratching and rubbing at his eye for a few days now. It appears to be swollen to the point where he cant shut it fully. He's also stopped eating, and is losing weight.

Updated On March 18th, 2020

Pet's info: Reptile | Gecko | Male | unneutered | 0 lbs

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Answered By Todd Cecil


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Thanks for reaching out about Spyro and including photos. A common malady in insectivorous lizards is abnormal shedding and secondary infections around the eyes, usually related to low vitamin A in the diet. Insects need to be varied and gut loaded with green and yellow/orange/red vegetables (a source of vitamin A). A veterinary visit is recommended to assess and provide a diagnostic/treatment plan. An injection of vitamin A, irrigating the eye area withy sterile saline and topical medications can help. If the cornea becomes dry, the eye could be lost. Good luck.

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